Court order

Lumosity Fined $2M: You Didn’t Improve Our Brains

Lumosity brain training website has been fined $2 million over their ads that claimed the service would improve brain function.…

9 years ago

Pope Francis: Hold Up! I DON’T Support Kim Davis

The Vatican is walking back Pope Francis' meeting with controversial KY county clerk Kim Davis, by acknowledging their meeting but denying any support for…

9 years ago

HEARTBREAKING: Kelly Rutherford LOSES KIDS Ordered To Return To Monaco

Kelly Rutherford just experienced a heartbreaking loss, a judge ordering she return her young children their father, Daniel Giersch, who lives in Monaco.…

9 years ago

Federal Judge: DUH, People Have A Right To Carry Guns

Federal judge and instant popular guy, Frederick Scullin, overturned Washington D.C.'s ban on carrying handguns outside the home, saying it…

11 years ago

Natural Cures Author Kevin Trudeau Gets 10 YEARS IN PRISON Over Not Paying Fine

Kevin Trudeau, the TV pitchman known for authoring books on natural cures and weight-loss remedies - “they don’t want you…

11 years ago

GOVT Plugged Directly Into U.S. Internet Companies

The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies,…

12 years ago