Child sexual abuse

Elizabeth Smart: My Captor Made Me Reenact Pornography

"He would just sit and look at it and stare at it, and he would just talk about these women,…

8 years ago

Jerry Sandusky SON ARRESTED

Cleveland Browns director of player personnel, Jon Sandusky, also the son of disgraced coach, Jerry, was arrested on suspicion of…

11 years ago

Chicago Pastor Blasted After Posting Picture In Bathtub With Granddaughter

People are voicing outrage after a Chicago bishop shared this picture of himself in the bathtub with his granddaughter on…

12 years ago

Former Penn State Coach Admits ‘Horsing Around’ with Boys AND…

Former Penn State Football Coach Jerry Sandusky was interviewed by Bob Costas for NBC’s show “Rock Center”, to set the…

13 years ago

Michael Jackson Coming to Coins, Calendars, School Supplies, Posters

A Judge approved the manufacturing and sale of Michael Jackson themed coins, calendars, school supplies and posters. The people who…

16 years ago