
Oprah’s ‘Free’ KFC Coupons Cause Nationwide Riot!

On Tuesday, Oprah teamed up with Kentucky Fried Chicken to promote their new ‘grilled’ chicken. She was giving away ‘free…

16 years ago

Gaga-ing It Up In London

Lady Gaga was out and about in London recently with a unique take on lipstick. If Cover Girl was smart…

16 years ago

Chi Chi Chi Chia!! OBAMA PET!

Apparently employees who handle the Tampa and Chicago Walgreens are a bunch of idiots for choosing to put a Barack…

16 years ago

Cha-Cha-Cha Chia-Obama!

Just when you thought you’d see it all, this comes along! A Chia Pet in the likeness of our new…

16 years ago