Associated Press

Add KANYE To The KURSE of The Kardashian MenAdd KANYE To The KURSE of The Kardashian Men

Add KANYE To The KURSE of The Kardashian Men

Add Kanye West to the ever growing list of men who entered the Kardashian women's world and promptly crashed and burned. West,…

8 years ago
R.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEADR.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEAD

R.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEAD

A bug affecting Facebook is inaccurately displaying a message on user profile pages saying they have died. The glitch even…

8 years ago
PA Mother Videos Killing Of Infant Son Because She Believed Father Was “Cheating On Her”PA Mother Videos Killing Of Infant Son Because She Believed Father Was “Cheating On Her”

PA Mother Videos Killing Of Infant Son Because She Believed Father Was “Cheating On Her”

Christian Clark of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, brutally murdered her own baby boy and attempted to kill her young daughter because she…

8 years ago
Tucker Carlson SCORES His Own Nightly FOX NEWS ShowTucker Carlson SCORES His Own Nightly FOX NEWS Show

Tucker Carlson SCORES His Own Nightly FOX NEWS Show

Carlson is said to be a favorite of Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of 21st Century Fox, the parent firm of…

8 years ago
Oregon Standoff Defendants Found NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTSOregon Standoff Defendants Found NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS

Oregon Standoff Defendants Found NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS

Ammon Bundy and six-co-defendants, who were charged with conspiring to impede federal employees at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge through…

8 years ago
O’KEEFE: Hillary PERSONALLY Ordered ‘Donald Duck’ Troll CampaignO’KEEFE: Hillary PERSONALLY Ordered ‘Donald Duck’ Troll Campaign

O’KEEFE: Hillary PERSONALLY Ordered ‘Donald Duck’ Troll Campaign

Via DrudgeReport: JAMES O'KEEFE: Hillary PERSONALLY ordered 'Donald Duck' troll campaign. Backstory: JAKE TAPPER: You see Donald Trump walking into the…

8 years ago
El Chapo Judge MURDERED In Broad Daylight While Jogging Near Home In Mexico CityEl Chapo Judge MURDERED In Broad Daylight While Jogging Near Home In Mexico City

El Chapo Judge MURDERED In Broad Daylight While Jogging Near Home In Mexico City

Vicente Bermudez Zacarias, the Mexican federal judge who presided over the appeals of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was…

8 years ago
Los Angeles DA Jackie Lacey FLEES After Black Lives Matter Disrupt MeetingLos Angeles DA Jackie Lacey FLEES After Black Lives Matter Disrupt Meeting

Los Angeles DA Jackie Lacey FLEES After Black Lives Matter Disrupt Meeting

District Attorney Jackie Lacey fled a meeting early after being confronted by Black Lives Matter supporters who overtook the gathering.…

8 years ago
BREAKING: Iran Backed Forces FIRE On US Warship In Red SeaBREAKING: Iran Backed Forces FIRE On US Warship In Red Sea

BREAKING: Iran Backed Forces FIRE On US Warship In Red Sea

Iranian-backed forces fired two missiles at a U.S. Navy destroyer operating off the coast of Yemen in the Red Sea…

8 years ago
At Least 30 Young People TRAPPED IN HULL After SF Boat CapsizesAt Least 30 Young People TRAPPED IN HULL After SF Boat Capsizes

At Least 30 Young People TRAPPED IN HULL After SF Boat Capsizes

San Francisco Fire is reporting that boat capsized near Pier 45 with about 30 juveniles on board. SFFD said on…

8 years ago