
NFL BANISHES Rihanna From ALL Future BroadcastsNFL BANISHES Rihanna From ALL Future Broadcasts

NFL BANISHES Rihanna From ALL Future Broadcasts

Rihanna may think she runs this town, but after the pop singer told the NFL “F*** you,” on Twitter, the…

11 years ago
NFL LIED! Elevator Video In Their Possession For THREE MONTHSNFL LIED! Elevator Video In Their Possession For THREE MONTHS

NFL LIED! Elevator Video In Their Possession For THREE MONTHS

Authorities sent the video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee in an elevator to the NFL three months ago, though…

11 years ago
Okay So NFL is Non-Profit 501 c 6 Organization BUT The COMMISH Takes $28M Salary?Okay So NFL is Non-Profit 501 c 6 Organization BUT The COMMISH Takes $28M Salary?

Okay So NFL is Non-Profit 501 c 6 Organization BUT The COMMISH Takes $28M Salary?

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was paid a salary of $29.5 million to run the NFL, though the NFL is technically…

11 years ago
PUFF PUFF PASS? Super Bowl To Host Two Most Pro-Pot CitiesPUFF PUFF PASS? Super Bowl To Host Two Most Pro-Pot Cities

PUFF PUFF PASS? Super Bowl To Host Two Most Pro-Pot Cities

These two teams represent the major cities in Colorado and Washington, the only states that have legalized recreational marijuana! Puff…

11 years ago
Dallas Cowboys ROBBED After Bizarre ‘CLOCK ERROR’Dallas Cowboys ROBBED After Bizarre ‘CLOCK ERROR’

Dallas Cowboys ROBBED After Bizarre ‘CLOCK ERROR’

In the heat of the 4th quarter, the Dallas Cowboys were hit with a costly 'delay of game' penalty after…

11 years ago
M.I.A SUED WHOPPING 1.5MIL Over NFL Middle Finger Stunt!M.I.A SUED WHOPPING 1.5MIL Over NFL Middle Finger Stunt!

M.I.A SUED WHOPPING 1.5MIL Over NFL Middle Finger Stunt!

A Middle Finger Stunt Calls For Desperate Measures: M.I.A sued by the NFL for $1.5 million The National Football League…

11 years ago