
Hilarious Blog O’ The Day

I just killed an hour laughing my ass off at this blog. I thought..why not share with the readers? I…

15 years ago

I like Big Butts…

A Bigger Backside Can Be Better For Your Health Created On: Thursday, 12 Mar 2009, 9:02 AM MDT - You’ve…

15 years ago

Mickey Rourke Visits Russian Prison

I thought these pictures were hilarious. When I get famous (not)..never post a photo of me on the bed with…

15 years ago

Shauna Sand Looking Sesssy

Here is Shauna Sand looking hot-to-trott on Hollywood Blvd. I’d love to have her as my mother. Together we would…

15 years ago

One More Reason to Love Radiohead

The backlash is still lashing from Radiohead’s Grammy appearance.  Miley Cyrus and Kayne West publicly announced their disappointment with the…

15 years ago

Sexiness of the Day:

Goes to Zac Efron for his sexy photos in GQ.

15 years ago

Today’s Celebrity Twitter Statements-Chris Cornell, John Mayer, Diddy, Ashton, Rob Thomas…

Chris Cornell says: “Other Jesus Twitters. “Why are the Jews and the Romans so angry with me, and who is…

15 years ago

The Hawaiian Vacation From Hell

Parrot: Feed me cracker Paris: Just smile for the camera you dumb bird Parrot: Look who’s talking you media whore…

15 years ago

Pamela Bach Loves To Drink And Drive

David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife Pamela Bach is facing felony DUI charges after she was arrested last night. An LAPD spokesperson tells…

15 years ago

Michael Jackson’s Real Auction List

Take a look at the goodness inside MJ’s prized posessions. Hint: most items are statues of little boys! MJ’s Auction…

15 years ago