
Out with the Old, In with the New

Moms and weird men went into a frenzy when Mattell announced they decided to give Dora the Explorer a tween…

15 years ago

Brooke Hogan Is Now A Stripper

Brooke Hogan was performing at what looks to be a volleyball tournament for the blind. Oh wait…it was a POWER…

15 years ago


“Hmm…maybe to live in the projects for a few years to get some authenticity, maybe.” -Gwyneth Paltrow said when MTV…

15 years ago

Ron Silver Has Died

Ron Silver was an actor in a few great GREAT shows like West Wing and Chicago Hope. His best show…

15 years ago

Jenna Jameson Gives Birth To Twin Boys

As the twin boys swam through the birth canal they commented to each other: Boy 1: Did you see the…

15 years ago

Models Stampede at America’s Next Top Model Tryout

NEW YORK ( At least six were hurt and apparently a purse-snatcher was the cause.  As thousands waited on the…

15 years ago

The Lindsay-Gate Wrap Up

Here is the wrap up of Lindsay’s weekend from hell: Around 1:45 a.m., Lohan showed up outside actor Nicholson’s house…

15 years ago

Trent Reznor Slams New Chris Cornell Record

You got to love Twitter because people say the greatest things! Twitter is like truth serum!  A visit to the…

15 years ago

Charlie Sheen Spawns Again

That damn Charlie Sheen, spreading his superhuman seed amongst the beautiful ladies… He has spawned 2 more kids MAX and…

15 years ago

Lindsay Parties After Arrest Warrant

Just hours after the Beverly Hills Police Department confirmed an arrest warrant had been issued for Lindsay Lohan, the actress…

15 years ago