Chris Brown

Chris Brown Incarcerated By The Illuminati?Chris Brown Incarcerated By The Illuminati?

Chris Brown Incarcerated By The Illuminati?

Chris Brown has already been spending all his free time behind bars, but now that his trial has been delayed…

11 years ago
Chris Brown Bodyguard Found GUILTY! Is Chris Next?Chris Brown Bodyguard Found GUILTY! Is Chris Next?

Chris Brown Bodyguard Found GUILTY! Is Chris Next?

A judge has found Chris Brown's bodyguard guilty of assault after a two-day trial which may prove as a preview of the…

11 years ago
PHOTOS: Inside Chris Brown’s New Living ConditionsPHOTOS: Inside Chris Brown’s New Living Conditions

PHOTOS: Inside Chris Brown’s New Living Conditions

Chris Brown went from living the high life, to this dirty, nasty place that is the L.A. County Men's Central…

11 years ago
Chris Brown Judge: You’ll Be Staying With Us For A WhileChris Brown Judge: You’ll Be Staying With Us For A While

Chris Brown Judge: You’ll Be Staying With Us For A While

Chris Breezy Brown was just denied his usual get out of jail free card after a judge ordered him to stay…

11 years ago
Chris Brown JAILEDChris Brown JAILED

Chris Brown JAILED

Chris Brown has been thrown in jail after violating a judge's orders. The rapper was ejected from the rehab facility…

11 years ago
Chris Brown Pictured Appearing SkinnyChris Brown Pictured Appearing Skinny

Chris Brown Pictured Appearing Skinny

We can't say that Chris Brown is on Meth, because MTO is already claiming it! You have got to admit…

11 years ago
REPORT: Chris Brown AUTOMATIC Two Years In JailREPORT: Chris Brown AUTOMATIC Two Years In Jail

REPORT: Chris Brown AUTOMATIC Two Years In Jail

Our friends over at MediaTakeOut says they spoke with an insider inside the Los Angeles Probation Department and they will…

11 years ago
Chris Brown REHABChris Brown REHAB

Chris Brown REHAB

Chris Brown just entered rehab! But his reps are saying it's not over drugs, it's for anger management! Presumably a…

11 years ago
Breezy To Remain In Jail At Least Until MondayBreezy To Remain In Jail At Least Until Monday

Breezy To Remain In Jail At Least Until Monday

Chris Brown and his bodyguard will be sitting in jail at least until Monday. Brown, 24, was arrested on a…

11 years ago
Chris Brown ARRESTED Felony ASSAULT Now Facing Serious Prison TimeChris Brown ARRESTED Felony ASSAULT Now Facing Serious Prison Time

Chris Brown ARRESTED Felony ASSAULT Now Facing Serious Prison Time

It's a worst case scenario for singer Chris Brown after getting involved in a 4:30 AM argument and subsequent fisticuffs…

11 years ago