Twitter Tips: How to Get People To Follow You

The folks over at produced this video on how to get people to follow you on Twitter. It is definitely worth a look.

“Basically, Twitter is a micro blogging platform which lets you write short messages and share them with the world. The post updates must be less than 140 characters.


You can easily follow thousands of users listening in or entering into conversations conducted among multiple users at any point. You can use Twitter as a self-promotional and marketing tool by pushing out messages and capitalizing on the attention you are receiving from other users.

Indeed, Twitter might be very effective tool but it definitely involves an investment in time and attention. You have to be willing to participate in the community striving to get more and more twitter followers.

Rich Brooks, president of Flyte, gives some useful tips on how to build up your network by getting others to follow you. Watch the video and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!”