Can I just tell you? I think this is a great idea! Tim Tebow playing arena football! It sounds like a perfect match to me and he’s just the man to bring arena football to the masses! I went to an arena football game that BTW, is played on a field half as big as the big boys do in the NFL, and once you experience that, the NFL seems to be totally played in slow motion.tebow GQ

But hold your horses because technically Tebow still has a job with the New York Jets, but word on the field is at some point this offseason. He’ll be released and looking for a job.


“Tim would certainly want to first exhaust his opportunities in the NFL, but we’d love to have him,” AFL Orlando Predators owner Brett Bouchy told the Orlando Sentinel. “I think he would definitely improve as a quarterback in our league.

I am here to tell you that if this pans out I would be willing to go and attend! I just remember how the action was much faster and quicker… And with Tebow at the helm? No brainer! Where do I sign!?