AUBURN, AL. (THECOUNT) — The voice of the Auburn Tigers, Rod Bramblett, and his wife Paula were involved in a serious car accident early Saturday evening.
The tweet asked the Auburn Family to keep the Bramblett family in your thoughts and prayers, reports WHNT.
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Auburn Tigers via Twitter:
“@AuburnTigers Rod Bramblett, the Voice of the Auburn Tigers, and his wife, Paula, were involved in a serious car accident early Saturday evening in Auburn. We ask the Auburn Family to keep the Bramblett family in your thoughts and prayers.”
Rod Bramblett, the Voice of the Auburn Tigers, and his wife, Paula, were involved in a serious car accident early Saturday evening in Auburn. We ask the Auburn Family to keep the Bramblett family in your thoughts and prayers.
— Auburn Tigers (@AuburnTigers) May 26, 2019