Like millions of other Americans, Marine veteran Joseph DeVito was incredibly disturbed by actor, Robert De Niro’s anti-Trump Tony Awards show comments. In a video posted to Facebook, DeVito is seen showing off his beloved framed photo of his favorite actor, while explaining his plan to relocate it from its hallway position to its home – in the trash can.
“He used to be my idol, I used to love this guy, Robert De Niro,” the veteran says. “But after what he did last night at the Tonys, this is where Robert goes,” reported
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DeVito then goes upstairs and outside to his porch, where he opens a garbage can and tosses the framed photo inside. The veteran grabs a hammer out of a toolbox and smashes the framed picture of De Niro as he says, “This is what we think of you.”
Not stopping there, DeVito takes the photo out of the smashed frame and rips it to pieces.
“Another Trump hater down,” he concludes as he slams the lid of the trashcan.