Bob Stupak’s famous Fremont Street neon cowgirl sign, the high-kicking Vegas Vickie, is scheduled to be removed Monday, June 12.
Vickie’s longtime companion Vegas Vic will soon be all by his lonesome..
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Vickie’s being taken down as part of construction on a new hotel-casino on the site of the Las Vegas Club. Originally dubbed Sassy Sally — after the casino where she rode high over Fremont Street — the sign was created in 1980 by Ad Art’s Jack Dubois and Charles Barnard for the late Bob Stupak’s Glitter Gulch. Later, Sally underwent a name change to Vegas Vickie, reflecting her 1994 “marriage” to neighboring neon cowboy Vegas Vic, who currently presides over the former Pioneer Club across Fremont Street. h/t reviewjournal
In addition to Vegas Vickie’s departure, the letters from the Las Vegas Club sign also are scheduled to be removed June 12.
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