Bob Stupak’s famous Fremont Street neon cowgirl sign, the high-kicking Vegas Vickie, is scheduled to be removed Monday, June 12.

Vickie’s longtime companion Vegas Vic will soon be all by his lonesome..


Vickie’s being taken down as part of construction on a new hotel-casino on the site of the Las Vegas Club. Originally dubbed Sassy Sally — after the casino where she rode high over Fremont Street — the sign was created in 1980 by Ad Art’s Jack Dubois and Charles Barnard for the late Bob Stupak’s Glitter Gulch. Later, Sally underwent a name change to Vegas Vickie, reflecting her 1994 “marriage” to neighboring neon cowboy Vegas Vic, who currently presides over the former Pioneer Club across Fremont Street. h/t reviewjournal

In addition to Vegas Vickie’s departure, the letters from the Las Vegas Club sign also are scheduled to be removed June 12.

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