Katie Nash, a Maryland school district employee, was fired after replying to a student’s tweet, correcting the spelling. The light-hearted tweet pointed out the student had misspelled “tomorrow.”

When the student asked @FCPSMaryland over Twitter on Jan. 5 for school to be closed “tammarow,” Katie Nash, 33, replied, “but then how would you learn how to spell ‘tomorrow’? :)” All good right? Nope, Nash was promptly fired.


The student took Nash’s reply in stride, writing on Twitter that he didn’t take it personally, but Frederick County Public Schools terminated her contract anyway. Nash’s boss, Michael Doerrer, handed her a letter announcing her firing in a Jan. 13 meeting that lasted just four minutes, Nash told the Daily News. “It happened really quickly,” she said. “They handed me a letter and then asked for my badge and ID.” Students and other Twitter users have come to Nash’s defense; hashtags #KatiefromFCPS and #freekatie have been created since her dismissal from her $44,066 a year job as web experience coordinator for the school district. h/t dailynews

What do you think? Should Nash have been fired over the corrective and constructive tweet? Comment below!