BuzzFeed is under fire after they published Tuesday a letter containing serious unverified allegations against President-elect Donald Trump. In what’s being called, “fake news,” journalists from all sectors condemned BuzzFeed for publishing the unsubstantiated salacious story.
The sketchy letter, published in-full by Buzzfeed, is purported to be penned by a retired British intelligence agent, who details Trump’s “relationship with Russia” while contending the Kremlin has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Trump for at least “five years.”
Advertisement |, who was linked by the Drudge Report after they called out Buzzfeed for publishing the bit of shoddy journalism, called the story, “a shocking breakdown of journalistic ethics.”
In a blatant violation of journalism 101, BuzzFeed shockingly acknowledged that it failed to verify the slanderous accusations contained within the letter, which contains a number of basic factual errors. Despite the lack of footwork, Buzzfeed published the full document.
“Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government,” BuzzFeed wrote.
“Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness,” tweeted David Corn, Mother Jones’ Washington Bureau chief.