Matilda Ledger, the 9-year-old daughter late actor Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams, was photographed while accompanying her mom backstage at Broadway’s Finding Neverland, Sunday, Sept. 27.
Williams, who lives with her daughter in Brooklyn, posed for snaps with Finding Neverland’s lead actor, Matthew Morrison.
For the outing, little Matilda was inspired by the Wild West and ventured out in a cowboy hat and scarf as she nestled up beside Williams, 35. There’s no doubt that the scion bears a startling resemblance to her late father, sharing similar features to The Dark Knight actor, including his eyes. Williams and Ledger, who fell in love on the set of 2005’s Brokeback Mountain, dated for three years before splitting in September 2007. Four months later, in January 2008, the 28-year-old Patriot star overdosed in an NYC apartment. At the time of his death, Matilda was only 2 years old. Williams, for her part, fell into a period of deep mourning. h/t usmagazine
Following Ledger’s death, Williams went on to date director Spike Jonze, comedian Jason Segel, and writer Jonathan Safran Foer. According to the actress, no role is more important to her than being mom to Matilda.