Kansas CityRoyals’ Outfielder Alex Rios and All-Star Reliever Kelvin Herrera have both been diagnosed with adult chicken pox.
The pox virus, which is considered to be extremely contagious, can go undetected days before a rash appears.
The Royals said the two players could be out for at least two weeks. Adults who come down with chickenpox are in for a rough ride. Chickenpox spreads through coughing or sneezing and it spreads easily to people who’ve never had it or those who haven’t had the chickenpox vaccine. The virus causes a blister-like rash, itching, fatigue and fever. It can be more serious in adults than kids. Adults are more likely to have complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis or inflammation of the brain. It’s 10 to 21 days after exposure before someone develops chickenpox. And a person with the virus can spread it before they know they have it. They’re contagious one to two days before the rash appears. h/t fox4kc
Needless to say, the entire clubhouse is on high alert.