The Dachshund with the head of a Pitbull, has officially been chosen to represent all shelter dogs.
Rami, a Pitbull-Dachshund mix, went viral after photos appeared of his long body and huge head. At the time he living in a shelter.
The intense interest in Rami gave MCCHS an idea: What if he could raise awareness for other shelter pets in need of good homes? His Facebook page, which already has 4,000 fans, announced on Saturday that Rami would be the new MCCHS N. h/t mashable
“Rami has been chosen to be the MCCHS Ambassador! For all of you that are concerned for my well being, please be assured that I am being well taken care of and loved. I love having the opportunity to meet and greet everyone during the day. At night I go to my other home where I can play and sleep with my fosters! No more worries as a dog on the street, now I have food in my tummy, a warm cozy bed, and lots of friends and most important…LOVE!! I’m thankful to be given this chance to become Ambassador and proud to annouce that during today’s Open House, I witnessed 15 of my shelter friends find their FURever homes! My mission to Rescue Shelter Pets was proven to be a testimony today! Thank you for all of your support!”
The page was set up shortly after Rami’s popularity exploded, and had already helped promote other MCCHS pets in need of adoption. It also sells T-shirts with Rami’s likeness to raise money for the shelter.