CBS4 News is reporting, they have obtained a series of new and disturbing cell phone videos that show a vicious, unrelenting beating of a Hollywood teenager last November outside a home on McKinley Street, in Hollywood, Ca.
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Hollywood Police say the videos depict Ericka Avery and Patricia Montes relentlessly punching and kicking the victim while telling her that the beating will cease if she has sex with a man named Jayvon Woolfork. Last month prosecutors showed a series of videos in court of the attack from inside the house. These new videos show what occurred before the attack moved inside.
As the videos begin, the victim is on the ground being dragged on the ground and sustaining a series of blows from her attackers. Voices recorded on the videos refer to the victim having been maced.
At one point, one of the females is heard asking, “Are you recording again?” before walking over to the victim and forcefully slapping her in the head.
During that court hearing, prosecutors also played a recording of the interview between Singleton and Hollywood Police detective Bryan Rousell after Singleton was detained. On that video, Singleton admitted recording the beating and telling the victim the punishment would continue unless she had sex with Woolfork. Rousell told Singleton that Montes and Avery told him Singleton helped restrain the victim during the rape. Singleton denied it.
Singleton remains in jail along with Henry, Woolfork and Avery. Patricia Montes is out on bond.