Was Bonnie Franklin a smoker? Does it matter? Is it too soon? Well TheCount.com readers want to know which means it’s not too soon and it does matter! So the question is, was Bonnie Franklin a smoker? And if so, did her smoking contribute to her death? The answer is, yes, no and maybe.



I have no idea if Bonnie smoked, either at the time of her death or at any other time in her life, but if she did smoke it could have contributed to her death. The “One Day At A Time” actress underwent treatment for pancreatic cancer in 2012 before subsuming to the disease one year later at age 69.


There were an estimated 40,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer every year, according to the National Cancer Institute, and one in 71 have a chance of developing pancreatic cancer sometime in his or her lifetime.


The following things could increase your chances of contracting the disease;

aging, the average age a person is diagnosed with the cancer is 72, being male, being African American, smoking, being obese, having a family history, and having certain conditions (such as diabetes) are also risk factors for the disease, the American Cancer Society reported.


Franklin joins a number of other notable names who have fallen to this disease.