Miss Delaware Teen USA is Also A Naughty Actress?

Miss Delaware Teen International 2012, Melissa King, has resigned and given up her crown, amid the rumors of her being in a naught movie. However, King denies it’s her in the movie. (Okay? So then why are you resigning and giving up your crown so easily?)

Screen shot 2013 02 26 at 3.14.02 PM 500x413 Miss Delaware Teen USA is Also a Porn Star?


Screen shot 2013 02 26 at 3.14.37 PM Miss Delaware Teen USA is Also a Porn Star?

Screen shot 2013 02 26 at 3.12.37 PM 500x502 Miss Delaware Teen USA is Also a Porn Star?

So, What do you guys think? Is it her? Or not? Is it just coincidence that the girl in the clip looks awfully like Miss Delaware, Melissa King?