Ever look at Madonna’s daughter Lourdes and wonder why she’s not white like her Mom or super white like Madonna’s former husband and famed British Director Guy Ritchie?It’s because Lourdes has a different Daddy. He’s Cuban, and his name is Carlos Leon. Leon is known as a former celebrity personal trainer turned actor.

Lourdes’ ethnicity is a mix of Cuban from her Dad’s side, and ‘French Canadian with mostly French descent with some Swiss and English ancestry’ from her Mom’s side.


Lourdes looks a bit like Jessica Alba don’t you think? Alba’s ethnicity is ‘second generation Mexican-American’ on her Dad’s side, and a ‘half French and half Danish’ on her Mother’s side.

The Cuban and Mexican gives Lourdes and Jessica darker complexions, and the girls both have French in common- whatever that does for their similar looks… I have no idea.