The flyer created by Jessica Simpson
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I feel pretty bad for Jessica Simpson here. Her poor dog, Daisy, was taken by a coyote Monday night. The singer is now desperately calling on friends and fans to help her find the missing pooch.
Simpson made the following post on Twitter Monday night: “My heart is broken because a coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes. HORROR! We are searching. Hoping. Please help!”
The following morning, Simpson posted the flyer above near her house. She is presumably still looking for Daisy, who may be anywhere in the hills of L.A.
I’ve got to say, things aren’t looking too good for little Daisy. Dogs rarely come back after being snatched by coyotes. I mean, you can’t really reason with a coyote and if they’re hungry… But maybe, just maybe, the wild animal is raising Daisy as its own, living off the fat of the land up in the hills above Los Angeles. Sure it’s unlikely but it’s possible. Right?