Letterman Vs. Conan Round One, and the Winner is…

Who would have thunk it? Jay Leno is out and Conan O’Brien is in. NBC had big hopes, ratings wise for Conan, however it is David Letterman that is winning the viewer-ship war.

Early on in the fight, yes, yet very telling ratings as Letterman whips Conan in the fight pulling in 800,000 more viewers than Tonight Show newcomer Conan.


Right now, there seems to be some kind of disconnect with Conan sitting at that desk. Maybe it’s the fact that Conan had to move his operation from fast moving New York City to laidback Southern California and it seems that laidback vibe of So Cal that has negatively embraced Conan.

I’ve seen both shows recently and I think I know how to help Conan, “Turn up the fun!” Conan needs to bring more of what made his own late, late night show a hit, more skits, skits, skits and maybe a Starbucks on the set.