Sacha Baron Cohen’s new film, Bruno, hasn’t even opened yet but he’s already stirring an awful lot of controversy. Universal Studios has already been sued by one woman who claimed to be harmed during filming and now comes some serious concern from the gay community regarding Bruno’s incredibly flamboyant demeanor.
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E! Online has a more detailed look at the story, including GLAAD’s desire for certain scenes to be cut or for a pro-tolerance message to be added to the film. Some of the eyebrow-raising scenes include Bruno and a male partner dressed in bondage and a baby sharing a hot tub with two men who are engaging in some very personal acts.
“This movie does not unmask stereotypes by showing pictures like that, they enforce them,” said GLAAD’s senior media director. We all remember when Borat opened and scores of people were concerned that the film portrayed Kazakhstan unfairly. Sure, it was offensive, but to everyone: Kazakhs, Americans, women, college students, Jews, the list goes on. Still, as someone who really enjoys the comedy of Sacha Baron Cohen, I hope this gets solved quickly and doesn’t cause too big of a mess. I really want to see this dang movie!