
Floyd Mayweather Places $5.9M NBA BET! WINS!

Floyd Mayweather bet a staggering $5.9 million on last night's Miami Heat winning game.. And like in boxing, he won…

11 years ago


During a recent Lingerie Football League game, Ogom “The Nigerian Knockout” Chijindu of the Los Angeles Temptation laid a massive…

11 years ago

Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Girlfriend Arrested

Terror suspect and believed Boston Marathon bomber, the younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has a girlfriend.. Neighbors told a local news that…

11 years ago

Justin Bieber Shares Creepy Ski Mask Photo

Was this really a good idea Justin Bieber? Sharing a picture of yourself in a full-face ski mask on Instagram,…

11 years ago

Meet The NEW Ridiculously Photogenic Jui Jitsu Instructor!

Clark Gracie has just become, the latest 'ridiculously photogenic' internet sensation! Forget calm and collected, marvel a how sauve he…

11 years ago

NEW NFL RULE? No Lowering Head On Hits!

A new rule proposed by the NFL’s competition committee would make the yellow ribbon fly for a ball carrier to…

11 years ago

Paris Jackson Propositioned to be a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader!

Well, well, well, Paris Jackson has cheerleading scouts eyeing and vying for her. Read More

11 years ago

‘Rowdy’ Ronda Rousey Defends Her Title

Ronda Rousey defends her Bantamweight championship belt against Liz Carmouche in the first round with her signature armbar submission at…

11 years ago

Over 100,000 Dolphins Gather In Never Before Seen Super Pod (Video)

Some say this was a feeding frenzy and most have absolutely no explanation as to exactly why over 100,000 dolphins suddenly grouped…

11 years ago

Michael Phelps Crying at the Super Bowl (photos)

Michael Phelps is certainly a weeping willow these days! Could it be that the swimmer finally got in touch with…

11 years ago