
Britney Spears WEIGHT BALLOONING! Vegas Promoters CONCERNED

Las Vegas concert promoters are becoming privately concerned as resident performer, Britney Spears' weight balloons out of control. A source…

10 years ago

French TV Calls For Daytime BAN On Miley Cyrus

In France, Miley Cyrus is considered so racy her videos may soon be banned from daytime TV. Read More

10 years ago

2 Disney Disasters To Be Judges On Same Show

What a perfect fit Simon Cowell! You got Britney Spears, former Disney Mickey Mouse Club turned Mind-Control Breakdown Bipolar-Britney to…

12 years ago

Britney’s New Video: The Hottest Apocalyptic Ever!

Have you noticed? Britney Spears is usually in the center of an orgy-esque dance routine in almost every single one…

13 years ago