National Rifle Association

Who Is Ginny Thrasher? And Why Is Her GOLDEN GUN Getting Her All This Attention?

Team USA captured the first gold medal handed out in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Virginia "Ginny" Thrasher won the gold in the…

8 years ago

Orlando Shooter ‘Homophobe’ Who Got Angry Seeing ‘Two Men Kissing’

Via dailymail: The suspected Islamic extremist who slaughtered at least 50 people after taking party-goers hostage inside a gay club…

8 years ago

Actress Debra Messing Slammed After Posting Gun Control Selfie Minutes After UCLA Shooting

Actress Debra Messing was slammed on social media after she posted a selfie calling for gun control minutes after a…

8 years ago

Eagles Of Death Metal Singer: Venue Security Was In On Attack

Jessie Hughes, the lead singer of the band Eagles of Death Metal, made a shocking claim during an interview with…

8 years ago

Burglars for Gun Control Video Going Viral

Via TheBlaze: “Burglars for Gun Control,” a video skewering those against the Second Amendment when used by homeowners protecting themselves…

9 years ago

You Won’t Believe What TED NUGENT Said About CECIL

Ted Nugent, a huge hunting enthusiast, shared his thoughts on the slaughter of Cecil the lion, saying he believes the…

9 years ago


Marvel Shemane Nugent's booking photo, AKA, mug shot.. AKA, Ted Nugent's wifey. Shemane was caught catch scratch fever with a…

11 years ago

Adam Lanza College Records New GAUNT Photo ID Released

The one thing that struck me about this new Adam Lanza photo is that the boy looks sick. Even the…

11 years ago

California Enacts Internet Bully Law

The new year has officially begun and California has rung it in by enacting over 700 new laws. The following…

14 years ago