Mark Zuckerberg

Simple Pleasures! Mark Zuckerberg Secretly Purchased $150M Superyacht In SeptSimple Pleasures! Mark Zuckerberg Secretly Purchased $150M Superyacht In Sept

Simple Pleasures! Mark Zuckerberg Secretly Purchased $150M Superyacht In Sept

A Turkish newspaper is claiming Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, was the mystery buyer who scooped up a $150 million ultra-luxury…

7 years ago
R.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEADR.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEAD

R.I.P. Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Glitch Inaccurately Lists Users As DEAD

A bug affecting Facebook is inaccurately displaying a message on user profile pages saying they have died. The glitch even…

8 years ago
National Enquirer Richard Simmons BOMBSHELL StoryNational Enquirer Richard Simmons BOMBSHELL Story

National Enquirer Richard Simmons BOMBSHELL Story

The Drudge Report is claiming that the National Enquirer is planning a bombshell story on former fitness guru, Richard Simmons.…

9 years ago
Ever Seen Mark Zuckerberg All Dressed Up? YW!Ever Seen Mark Zuckerberg All Dressed Up? YW!

Ever Seen Mark Zuckerberg All Dressed Up? YW!

Simon Donaldson, Maxim Kontsevich, Benedict Cumberbatch and a snazzy Mark Zuckerberg on hand to present the awards for the the…

10 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg STUNS Audience By Speaking Fluent Mandarin ChineseMark Zuckerberg STUNS Audience By Speaking Fluent Mandarin Chinese

Mark Zuckerberg STUNS Audience By Speaking Fluent Mandarin Chinese

On Wednesday Facebook honcho, Mark Zuckerberg did his first ever public Q&A at Tsinghua University in Beijing - All of…

10 years ago
Change.Org Petition Takes On Facebook’s Pay-To-Play PolicyChange.Org Petition Takes On Facebook’s Pay-To-Play Policy

Change.Org Petition Takes On Facebook’s Pay-To-Play Policy

Text from the petition protesting Facebook's new pay-to-play or Boost policy: Your Facebook likes are being held for ransom!…

11 years ago
The Worm Turns! Mark Zuckerberg BLASTS Obama In Facebook PostThe Worm Turns! Mark Zuckerberg BLASTS Obama In Facebook Post

The Worm Turns! Mark Zuckerberg BLASTS Obama In Facebook Post

The following appeared on Mark Elliot Zuckerberg's Facebook page: The internet works because most people and companies do the same.…

11 years ago
Woman 104 LIES About Age On FacebookWoman 104 LIES About Age On Facebook

Woman 104 LIES About Age On Facebook

Just one day after Mark Zuckerberg announced huge cash prizes for scientists working on extending human life, Marguerite Joseph was…

12 years ago
SQUIDS: Mr and Mrs Facebook Pictured SurfingSQUIDS: Mr and Mrs Facebook Pictured Surfing

SQUIDS: Mr and Mrs Facebook Pictured Surfing

They say you learn something new every day and this may be my rendition of that old proverb as I…

12 years ago

Facebook Honcho’s Facebook Page Hacked

If you’re going to hack someone’s facebook page, you might as well go for the top and this is exactly…

14 years ago