
7.2 Earthquake Strikes Russia

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has struck 91km N of Yelizovo, Russia. There are no immediate reports of injury or damage.…

9 years ago

Is Volleyball Player SO BEAUTIFUL She’s Distracting? Coach Says YES

Sabina Altynbekova, a 17-year-old volleyball player from Kazakhstan, is being called the most beautiful baller ever. Despite her good-looks, critics say Altynbekova…

11 years ago

Kanye West: Bought Sold Repackaged..

I think Kanye West is loosening up his, "I'm better than that," vibe.. The artist just performed for a wedding…

11 years ago

Boston Suspect Vanity Licence Plate ‘TERRORISTA’

Are you ready for this? The two terror suspects taken into custody today drove a car with the phrase “Terrorista #1″…

12 years ago