January Jones

CHEATER Banner Flies Overhead As Bobby Flay Receives Hollywood Star

You know what they say about cheaters, they gonna cheat. And Yesterday, Bobby Flay got a reminder of his alleged…

10 years ago

Miley Cyrus UNFOLLOWS Fiancé LIAM Hemsworth On Twitter

Liam Hemsworth took the plunge months ago, unfollowing Miley Cyrus on Twitter, but embarrassingly, it took all summer for Miley Cyrus…

11 years ago

Liam Left Over MILEY DRUG USE?

Liam Hemsworth is a classy guy with a great, caring family, which is way more than Miley Cyrus can ever…

12 years ago

Liam Hemsworth Jets Off Half The World Away Minus Miley Cyrus

Is Liam Hemsworth avoiding Miley Cyrus drama by jetting off half the world away? Poor Miley! Now left all alone to fend for herself and…

12 years ago

Miley Cyrus Mystery Man Lame Attempt To Make Liam Hemsworth Jealous?

Miley Cyrus? Mystery man? Liam Hemsworth? So is Liam really cheating on Miley with January Jones? Can you say "shake up?"…

12 years ago

Why Did Miley Cyrus Take Off Her Engagement Ring?

Not a good sign! Miley Cyrus pictured NOT wearing her engagement ring, but other rings are present, which means, if…

12 years ago