
22 Hilarious Lyin’ Brian Williams MEMES

America's highest-rated network anchor, Brian Williams, has been caught in a few lies, and now the internet is catching him…

10 years ago

GOOGLE’s Eric Schmidt: The Internet Will Disappear

Google chief Eric Schmidt said on Thursday that he predicts the Internet will someday in the future disappear as we know it. Schmidt…

10 years ago

Sony Issues Warning To Employees Over Potential Identity Theft

Sony has released a new statement warning employees and and anyone else who may have been impacted by the huge…

10 years ago

Who Is Alysa Bathrick? And Why Did Her MUG SHOT Go Viral?

What is the world coming to when a pill-pusher can become "Miss popular?" Meet Alysa Suguro Bathrick, the young woman arrested…

10 years ago

Law & Order Actress: Bill Cosby Did The Same To ME

Michelle Hurd, an actress who’s appeared as a regular on “Law & Order SVU,” “90210,” “Gossip Girl,” and many others, penned…

10 years ago

Naya Rivera To Kim Kardashian: STOP! You’re Someone’s Mother!

GLEE actress, Naya Rivera, does not approve of Kim Kardashian’s revealing photoshoot for Paper magazine, and she's letting her feeling known - in the press..…

10 years ago

Kim Kardashian: You Saw Me Now Check This Out

Kim Kardashian released two more shots from her Paper Magazine shoot, this time around, facing forward.. The photos were shot after the…

10 years ago

Who Is Charlotte McKinney? And Why Is She Compared To Kate Upton?

Some claim that Charlotte McKinney is a is hotter version of Kate Upton, mostly because she shares some of the…

11 years ago

How To Get More Facebook Likes

I already know you are looking for more Facebook Likes so first things first. “Like” this page above and then…

13 years ago

Rush Limbaugh Loves Amada Bynes For Enlisting Obama’s Help in Firing Of Cop

Everyone knows that Amanda Bynes is in an embarrassing drug-fueled downward spiral and now she is trying to publicly drag…

13 years ago