Remember the 'Paintball Challenge' I told you I was participating in? The recap of the exciting event aired this morning,…
More pictures of Lisa Mason Lee from MyIndyTV 'Face' finalist event at Paintball Indiana: Haha! Why are these so funny?!…
All 5 'Face of Indy' finalists participated in a paintball challenge today! We all met up at 'Paintball Indiana' in…
I would like to invite YOU to have some good old fashioned fun this Sunday at Paintball Indiana in Martinsville,…
Hey everyone! Today was really fun being a guest on WISH-TV morning show "Indy Style." If you didn't know, I…
Hey everyone! Just wanted to make a formal announcement about a contest I am involved in. Well, I auditioned in…
The 3rd annual Celebrity Softball Challenge was held on Thursday, June 7 at Victory Field (home of the Indianapolis Indians)…
MTV "Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood from Indiana, will be watching herself on season 4 of Teen Mom, from jail...…
SANTA CLAUS, Indiana. -- A place called Holiday World located in a town named Santa Claus (no kidding!) has literally…
For most people, it might be hard to tell the difference between a "Clown" vs. a "Drag Queen"...I used to…