
Miley Cyrus Does Lindsay Lohan SNL

We love Miley Cyrus around here but let’s face the facts, no one can do Lindsay Lohan as good as…

13 years ago

Amazing Oil Painting is Actually Something Else!

When I first saw these pictures I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and after seeing the rest…

13 years ago

Vote Best Lisa Mason Lee Santa Picture

I will be putting a few Christmas pics of me on my Facebook Page, and I want you to pick…

13 years ago

SHOCK: Twilight Breaking Dawn Birthing Scene Causing Seizures!

Several people have expressed that they have suffered similar, and strange symptoms during the same scene in Twilight Breaking Dawn…

13 years ago

Justin Bieber Caught in Middle of Facebook Ring?

Justin Bieber is caught in the middle of a Facebook (censored) ring that is under investigation. Facebook is looking into…

13 years ago

Justin Bieber Caught in Middle of Facebook Crime Ring

Justin Bieber is caught in the middle of a Facebook crime ring that is under investigation. Facebook is looking into just…

13 years ago

Kristen Stewart On-Set Snow White

Kristen Stewart is back in England filming Snow White and the Huntsman after a short trip to the US for…

13 years ago

Recycle, Reuse, Rethink your Wardrobe.

It’s almost summer and you’re itching to hit the stores and procure some little dresses, new sandals and cute jeans.…

14 years ago

#FollowFriday- Does it Work? An experiment…

Like birthdays and Mardi Gras, “Follow Friday” (or #FF in the Twitterverse) has become a ritual. It extends a hand…

14 years ago

Charlie Sheen “Winning” on Product Placement Tweets

Crazy like a fox, Charlie Sheen’s instant Twitter success is an indication that he may actually be “Winning” at least…

14 years ago