Ebola virus disease

State Dept Orders 160,000 EBOLA Hazmat Suits

If you're worried about the Ebola virus, be afraid, be very afraid, that is unless you work for the U.S.…

10 years ago

NM Woman Being Tested For EBOLA

New Mexico health officials in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are testing a 30-year-old woman for the…

11 years ago

Company Offering EBOLA Protection Kit

A medical supply company is offering a timely Ebola protection kit! Everything you need to protect yourself against the deadly…

11 years ago

Ebola Conspiracy Theories Abound

Conspiracy theories, which in general have gained more legitimacy than ever, say the killer Ebola virus is really a planned, staged, and healthcare scam…

11 years ago

Nigerian Star Causes OUTRAGE After Fleeing Liberia Over Ebola

Jim Iyke, a renowned Nigerian actor, posted this picture on his Instagram account, depicting him on a jet fleeing Liberia over fears the…

11 years ago

Yoga Tax Now Enforced in NYC

The New York Department of Taxation and Finance says that yoga studios must start to pay the city’s levy. NYC…

13 years ago