Death threat

Mitt Romney Anti-Trump Speech Hinckley Institute [Video]

Mitt Romney's anti-Trump speech At Hinckley Institute in Salt Lake City. Let the GOP Donald Trump bashing begin! But will it…

8 years ago

Megyn Kelly Going On UNSCHEDULED 2 Week Vacation

Megyn Kelly, aka, the new Candy Crowley, has announced she will be going on an unplanned 2-week vacation on the…

9 years ago

What’s The Next Step For Memories Pizza After Raising $842,387 In Donations?

Fund raising mastermind, Dana Loesch, laid out what's next for the O'Conners on her blog.

9 years ago

Black Kid DEFENDS Rudy Giuliani

CJ Pearson has become an internet sensation after releasing a Youtube video backing Rudy Giuliani's controversial President Obama comments. The fearless…

9 years ago

Somebody Wants Chris Brown DEAD

Chris Brown.. Somebody wants the rapper dead.. But is this actually happening? Or is it a ploy for sympathy? Who…

11 years ago

Chicago Pastor Blasted After Posting Picture In Bathtub With Granddaughter

People are voicing outrage after a Chicago bishop shared this picture of himself in the bathtub with his granddaughter on…

11 years ago

Rihanna Threatens To MURDER Chris Brown ‘I’ll Finish Him Off’

Chris Brown has made it his life mission to get Rihanna back in his life after brutally beating on her…

12 years ago

Hulk Hogan Finally Addresses Gay Claim

Hulk Hogan‘s ex wife Linda Bollea, claimed on a radio show back in June, that Hogan is gay and had…

13 years ago