
Doctor Approved? Pregnant Snooki Plays with Dolphins

Back in the olden days, Doctors told pregnant women to 'stay put' and to 'not do much of anything', because…

12 years ago

How To Rise Up & Reject Airport X-Ray Body Scanners

Today, mega-popular news site DrudgeReport.com is headlining the rise and revolt against airport x-ray body scanners. When it's a headline…

14 years ago

Transformers 3 Stunt Accident Involving Indiana Extra-Not Uncommon!

I feel like this girl is me, and all of my other young aspiring actor friends who have been an…

14 years ago

Bookies Offer Odds on Fate of Michael Jackson Dead Body

Leave it to odds makers to capitalize on someone passing away. Wondering what will become of Michael Jackson’s body now…

15 years ago