Taylor Swift is always looking to make a fashion statement. And this time the singer took on the task of…
Floyd Mayweather Jr. just bought himself a nice gift, a $1 million dollar diamond watch. The timepiece is encrusted with…
Imagine: you’re being tailgated and finally the offending vehicle passes you, flipping the bird as they sail by as if…
Gabrielle Union Fights Back Tears at LAX Read More
File this under: It's the thought that counts.. The Coca Cola company pulling a goofy gimmick while trying to pull…
Over a dozen people were injured, two in serious condition, after an elderly woman crashed her car inside of a Long Island Trader…
Apology note to burglars goes viral. A British couple's letter to burglars ransacked their house has gone viral on social…
Dustin Woods, a key grip on the AMC’s “Mad Men”, tweeted that the series was filming in American Airlines’ Terminal…
The letter reads; Dear Business Customer, Starting November 17, 2013: - You will no longer be able to send international…
The more things change, the more they stay the same.. If you're trying to access your account on the government's…