
Britney Spears BF HISTORY After Video SurfacesBritney Spears BF HISTORY After Video Surfaces

Britney Spears BF HISTORY After Video Surfaces

Britney Spears broke up with her boyfriend of 18 months David Lucado. The split is over a video that surfaced of…

11 years ago
Britney Spears WEIGHT BALLOONING! Vegas Promoters CONCERNEDBritney Spears WEIGHT BALLOONING! Vegas Promoters CONCERNED

Britney Spears WEIGHT BALLOONING! Vegas Promoters CONCERNED

Las Vegas concert promoters are becoming privately concerned as resident performer, Britney Spears' weight balloons out of control. A source…

11 years ago
Britney Spears Outfit From HellBritney Spears Outfit From Hell

Britney Spears Outfit From Hell

Britney Spears can surely afford any clothing item she pleases.. Which is why we love Britney so much. Really Brit?…

11 years ago
Britney Back To BrunetteBritney Back To Brunette

Britney Back To Brunette

Britney Spears has gone back to brunette after a long stint playing blonde. Read More

11 years ago
Britney Spears KOOKY Vegas TOUR RIDER LEAKED Pop Tarts And Cap’n Crunch!Britney Spears KOOKY Vegas TOUR RIDER LEAKED Pop Tarts And Cap’n Crunch!

Britney Spears KOOKY Vegas TOUR RIDER LEAKED Pop Tarts And Cap’n Crunch!

Thinking about booking Britney Spears for your mega-event? Well you had better have lots of Froot Loops handy.. Read More

11 years ago
iDIET: Britney Spears VIDEO AIRBRUSHED Before And After PhotosiDIET: Britney Spears VIDEO AIRBRUSHED Before And After Photos

iDIET: Britney Spears VIDEO AIRBRUSHED Before And After Photos

Check out these Before and after shots depicting Britney Spears from the "Work Bitch" video.. Pay particular attention to the…

11 years ago
Britney Spears AMAZING Bikini Body Trasformation!Britney Spears AMAZING Bikini Body Trasformation!

Britney Spears AMAZING Bikini Body Trasformation!

Britney spears 2013 bikini. I just wrote a story about Britney Spears being Photoshopped on the cover of Shape Magazine, but…

12 years ago
Britney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVERBritney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVER

Britney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVER

Britney Spears... Why do I love thee? Let me count the ways! How about we start off with counting a…

12 years ago
Jamie Lynn Spears Weird Hairy Patch FingerJamie Lynn Spears Weird Hairy Patch Finger

Jamie Lynn Spears Weird Hairy Patch Finger

Britney's sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, 21, shared this Instagram picture of her finger and it has this patch of weird…

12 years ago
Girls Night On America Idol Tonight: Good Time To Start Watching?Girls Night On America Idol Tonight: Good Time To Start Watching?

Girls Night On America Idol Tonight: Good Time To Start Watching?

American Idol fans on Twitter are getting all revved up for tonight's all-female show! All 17 of them! I kid!…

12 years ago