bet awards

Robin Thicke New Album SELLS ONLY 530 COPIES In UK

Robin Thicke may have been trying to get his wife back with his latest break-up album, Paula, but the way the…

10 years ago

TINY BUT MIGHTY! T.I.’s Wife BLOWS Past Floyd Mayweather On The Red Carpet

Tiny, rapper T.I.'s colorful wife totally ignored boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. as he tried to get her attention on the…

10 years ago

BET BLOWS IT: Misspells ‘Lionel Richie’ Lifetime Achievement Award

BET misspelled Lionel Richie’s name last night as he was accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at the BET Awards show.

10 years ago

Beyonce CAUGHT Lip Syncing After HAIR Gets CAUGHT In Stage Fan

File this under: "That's gotta hurt!" Beyonce got hurt in more ways than one after getting her crowning glory caught…

11 years ago