
Britney Spears Outfit From HellBritney Spears Outfit From Hell

Britney Spears Outfit From Hell

Britney Spears can surely afford any clothing item she pleases.. Which is why we love Britney so much. Really Brit?…

11 years ago
Britney Spears Looking COCKEYED DeplaningBritney Spears Looking COCKEYED Deplaning

Britney Spears Looking COCKEYED Deplaning

Britney Spears looking beyond tired as she jumped off a plane at the Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans.…

12 years ago
Britney Spears Flawless Bikini Shape Compliments Photoshop?Britney Spears Flawless Bikini Shape Compliments Photoshop?

Britney Spears Flawless Bikini Shape Compliments Photoshop?

I'm sorry Britney Spears, but that is not your body.. What's the point of putting a celebrity on your magazines…

12 years ago
Britney Spears WAX Dummy Looks NOTHING Like Her!Britney Spears WAX Dummy Looks NOTHING Like Her!

Britney Spears WAX Dummy Looks NOTHING Like Her!

Oops! They did it! Madame Tussauds has unveiled another waxwork figure of pop diva, Britney Spears, there's just one little…

12 years ago
Britney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVERBritney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVER

Britney Spears Spotted At KFC After Shooting SHAPE Magazine COVER

Britney Spears... Why do I love thee? Let me count the ways! How about we start off with counting a…

12 years ago
Britney Spears! That’s One Manly Arm!Britney Spears! That’s One Manly Arm!

Britney Spears! That’s One Manly Arm!

Has Britney Spears been working out? That left arm looks so buff! And Hairy! OY! Wait! Could this be one…

12 years ago
WIGGED OUT: Britney Spears LUCKY Mag Hair DisasterWIGGED OUT: Britney Spears LUCKY Mag Hair Disaster

WIGGED OUT: Britney Spears LUCKY Mag Hair Disaster

Britney Spears' wig looks so bad in these shots for the new Lucky magazine - the company actually tweeted an apology! LUCKY:…

12 years ago
Vintage Christina AguileraVintage Christina Aguilera

Vintage Christina Aguilera

I know Christina Aguilera has been around for a coon's age and I thought these pictures captured the pre-diva at a pinnacle time…

13 years ago