Barack Obama

Sarah Palin To Barack: Hey You, You In The Denim Leotard

Sarah Palin: “Anybody who carries the common-sense gene knows that Putin doesn’t change his stripes.” Palin and Hannity agreed that…

11 years ago

Did Obama Score ADVANCE ‘Game of Thrones, True Detective?’

Obama was doing his best Harvey Weinstein impression by trying to obtain advance copies of several blockbuster crushendos. The Commander…

11 years ago

Russian Olympic Flame Lighter Shocking Racist Obama Tweet

Former Russian figure skater and the woman was granted the honor of lighting the Olympic flame in Sochi posted a…

11 years ago

Joe Biden Pulls PERFECT JOKER FACE At State Of The Union

What a Country! We got John Boehner looking like he's sitting on a veritable mountain of hemorrhoids and VP Joe…

11 years ago

Secret Service NOT-SO High Tech Beach Security For Obama

Obama's Hawaii Secret Service detail is using a single palm frond erected on the beach to create an imaginary line in…

11 years ago

Mandela Memorial Sign Language Interpreter ”Zero Percent Accuracy”

A still unknown man passed himself off as a sign language interpreter after appearing at a memorial service for late…

11 years ago

Barack Snaps Mandela FUNERAL SELFIE! Michelle NOT AMUSED

WHAT? A “presidential selfie” featuring President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Denmark’s Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt snapped…

11 years ago

Presidential Strength Antidepressants? ”Paxil Second Term”

Drug company's scrambled to create an antidepressant strong enough for a second term president.. And now it has arrived.. “Paxil:…

11 years ago

President Obama Sends Special Message To BatKid

Bat-Kid may have saved Gotham, but will the President save health care? Read More

11 years ago

HealthCare.Gov Biggest Glitch Yet? Now Allowing Unmoderated Testimonials.. Exclusive: By now we have all heard a few ObamaCare website horror stories, mostly on TV and maybe even…

11 years ago