Talk show host, Chelsea Handler, made a major boo boo in her efforts to help out Georgia democrat Jon Ossoff, asking her fans to go to the polls to vote for the candidate – a week early.
Handler, 42, took to Twitter on Tuesday to enlist her millions of her twitter followers to vote in the ‘Special election today’, but there was one little problem, the vote is scheduled for April 18th.
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Chelsea Handler @chelseahandler: “Special elections today in Georgia. Vote for @JonOssoff in Georgia. He’s our man.”
The tweet, which received 934 Retweets 3,675 likes thus far, may go unnoticed by Georgian voters, who are less interested in the special election than those on the liberal coasts. Over 95% of Jon Ossoff’s contributions come from donors outside of the state. Handler and other Hollywood elites have been scrambling to elect the liberal politician in the staunch red-state of Georgia, injecting money and endorsements in to the race. Her intrusion will not be well-received by locals who still remember her last comments on the region when she branded American racists as, “Dumb people from the south who aren’t educated.” h/t hannity