Renowned battle rapper, Cadalack Ron, has passed away. His struggles with narcotics have been frequent and well documented, although an official cause of death has not yet been released.
Numerous sources including and the official King Of The Dot Facebook page confirmed the sad new
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Born Robert Paulson, the Los Angeles-based emcee’s cause of death is currently unknown but his presence in the battle rap world is renown. He often confronted conflict in music rather than stepping back and was both criticized and beloved by those who followed his career. KOTD remembered him as “a friend, a brother, a son and perhaps most importantly, a father” when he wasn’t doing music. Through his music, Ron gave fans and critics a piece of who he was and often described the trials and tribulations he experienced throughout his life. He also highlighted the good times and his uniqueness like in the song “Rare Dude.” h/t hiphopdx
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Paulson’s family and friends at this difficult time.