A video circulating of the Annual West Point pillow fight shows crowds of cadets violently colliding. At one point, a smoke grenade appears to go off. Many participants would end up bloody and bruised.
Photos posted later to social media show plebes, aka, freshmen with bloody faces and blood covered pillows. Injuries included 4 concussions, 1 broken leg, 2 broken arms, 1 dislocated shoulder, and several broken ribs.
“My plebe was knocked unconscious and immediately began fighting when he came to,” an unnamed upperclassman, who was apparently observing from the sidelines, wrote on the social media forum Yik Yak. “I was so proud I could cry.” As the battle continued, cadets clustered around at least two classmates who had fallen, apparently unable to get up. Others stumbled to a medical area set up beside the fracas. h/t nytimes
As the scope of injuries became clear, cadets said in interviews, West Point staff members went door to door in the barracks giving quick concussion checks.