NEW CASTLE, DE. (THECOUNT) — A memorial honoring New Castle County Police Lt. Joseph Sczerba, who was killed in the line of duty 13 years ago, was defaced over Labor Day weekend. The simple metal sign, which reads “Never Forgotten. Always Remembered,” marks the spot where Lt. Sczerba was fatally stabbed while trying to arrest a suspect in the Penn Acres neighborhood.

The vandal used maroon spray paint to write “PIG” and “ASS” on the sign, crossing out the original tribute with a large X. The act, which has left the police and community outraged, comes just weeks before the 13th anniversary of Sczerba’s death. The fallen officer, who was 44, died after pursuing a man under the influence of “bath salts” who had broken into cars and stabbed another victim.


Lt. Sczerba’s killer is currently serving a life sentence, but the recent vandalism of his memorial has reopened wounds for the community and law enforcement. Police are investigating the incident, which they classify as misdemeanor criminal mischief but have emphasized the emotional toll it has taken.

“It’s very unsettling,’’ said Sr. Cpl. Richard Chambers, a county police spokesman. “Not only are you doing something against us, but you’re also disparaging his family. It’s very inappropriate and obscene.”

Police are asking Penn Acres residents who live nearby to review their video surveillance footage from the Labor Day weekend “for any suspicious activity that may be related to this,” Chambers wrote in a news release.

Anyone with relevant information is asked to contact Detective Daniel Vucci at or (302) 395-2744.

Tips, even anonymous ones, also can be submitted by:

Calling the county police non-emergency number at (302) 573-2800.
Calling the Criminal Investigation Unit at (302) 395-8110.
Contacting Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333, or
Sending a message through Facebook to “New Castle County Police.”
While police try to figure out who committed the crime and why, Chambers said the desecrated sign has been removed and will be cleaned and re-installed.