WASHINGTON, DC. (THECOUNT) — All F-35s fighter jets deployed to the U.S. and its allies have been temporarily grounded following a crash of one of the aircraft in South Carolina last month.

In a statement, the F-35 Joint Program Office said the U.S. and its international partners had suspended flights of the Joint Strike Fighter, also known as the Lightning II, until a fleet-wide inspection of the aircraft’s fuel tubes is completed.


“If suspect fuel tubes are installed, the part will be removed and replaced,” the statement said. “If known good fuel tubes are already installed, then those aircraft will be returned to flight status.” source

“Inspections are expected to be completed within the next 24 to 48 hours,” the statement said.

After last month’s crash of a Marine Corp F-35B variant, in which the pilot safely ejected, a preliminary investigation reportedly revealed the potentially faulty fuel tubes.