Chances are you’ve arrived here because someone told you about how to get the best cup of coffee you’ve even had in your life, right? Well even if you’re here for a different reason, read on.

Bulletproof Coffee is made using a low-mycotoxin bean, such as those developed by Dave Asprey, the popular drink’s creator. The powerful ‘superfood’ masquerading as a coffee drink has recently exploded in popularity on social media.


Asprey puts it this way, “If you’re a “coffee person” already, prepare to have your life changed. And if you’ve ‘given up’ on coffee like I did for 5 long years, prepare to re-discover coffee like you’ve never experienced it before.”

“Could the best cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted ALSO be the most powerful ‘superfood’ your brain and body have been missing?” asks the fitness buff. “Supercharge Your Morning Coffee… With Butter!”

Wait, come again? Butter in my morning coffee instead of on my toast? That’s right! And not just any butter, grass fed butter.

“The healthy fats in butter not only help you stay craving-free and full of energy for hours, but they also help to switch your body into fat-burning mode. Drinking your coffee w/ grass-fed butter and our Brain Octane can help with increasing your mental and physical performance, and can also help with weight loss and optimizing health,” Asprey said during his popular Youtube video.

“Some people think that putting butter in their coffee sounds strange, or even gross,” says Asprey, “until they have their first sip.”

Asprey says that from the first sip you’ll know his method of the morning brew is not only drinkable, but also “the creamiest, frothiest, most delicious cup of coffee you’ve ever experienced. This isn’t “medicine” to gulp down… it’s a rich reward to savor.”