According to the Washington Times, Morrissey was asked a hypothetical question by German newspaper Der Spiegel recently about killing Trump at the push of a button.

“If there was a button here and if you pressed on it, Trump would die dead [sic]– would you push it or not,” Der Spiegel asked.


“I would, for the safety of humanity. It has nothing to do with my personal opinion of his face or his family, but in the interest of humanity I would push,” Morrissey said.

What else did he say?

In response to other questions from the German publication, Morrissey blamed the American media for “creating” Trump and aiding in his election victory last November.

“Trump has received so much attention, especially when compared to other candidates — Bernie Sanders, for example. Although the media said he would not win, every day, all the headlines: Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!” Morrissey said.

“The American media helped Trump, yes, they first created it. Whether they criticize him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name. The American media have shot themselves in the leg,” he added. “I never expected him to be elected.”

Morrissey is the former frontman for the British rock group The Smiths. He is currently on an international tour and will perform in Washington, D.C., this Thursday, Nov. 30.

This story originally appeared in consfighters.