A Dunlap, Tennessee man is under arrest after he dressed up like Johnny Depp‘s Captain Jack Sparrow character from Pirates of the Caribbean, and terrorized his friends.

Brian Zielinski, 28, had to be tased by police officers after they responded to a call of a man wandering around Dunlap dressed in a pirate costume.


Officers say he had been staying with friends until this weekend. But they kicked him out when they said he began acting crazy. When he refused to go, they called police. But even they couldn’t keep him out.

The officers say Captain Jack crawled back in a downstairs window and became combative.

Police say they had to taze him to take him to jail. source

Zielinski faces charges of aggravated burglary and resisting arrest.

The Sheriff says Zielinksi had been in Chattanooga, but was originally from California.